by Blythe Brumleve | May 1, 2014 | Disney, GuysGirl
First off, I would like to apologize. I’m sorry for what you are about to read. Because if you’re a Disney freak like me, reading the true endings to Disney’s most iconic movies is just….well, really sad. image via Geek x Girls But...
by Blythe Brumleve | Apr 16, 2014 | Disney, GuysGirl
Artist Sakimi Chan decided it would be cool to see the traditional Disney princesses and villains portrayed as men instead of their female counterpart. While Belle and Beast gender swap is a tad creepy, who else suddenly got the hots for male-Ariel and...
by Blythe Brumleve | Sep 7, 2013 | Cosplay, GuysGirl
A singer by the name of Paulo Henrique dos Santos from Rio De Janeiro wanted to get some publicity riding off the immensely popular Avengers movie. So he decided to hit up the hardware store for some Hulk-green paint, cover his body in it and parade around the streets...
by Blythe Brumleve | Jul 17, 2013 | Cosplay, GuysGirl
Landa Calrissian aka Jennifer Landa! is no stranger to cosplay as her at last year’s Comic Con was a nerd sensation almost instantly. Well now Jennifer is back and at this year’s Comic Con where she showed up dressed in an adorible Millennium Falcon skirt that she...